Beekeeping Equipment and Supplies

Beekeeping Supplies Arizona

No matter where you are looking for beekeeping supplies in Arizona, we’ve got you covered.

Currently, there are approximately 5,600 beekeepers in Arizona, producing over 1,000,000 pounds of honey each year.  There are about 23,000 honey bee colonies in Arizona.

There are many areas in Arizona that are ideal for raising honey bees. Because of mild winters, beekeepers have a long season.

Pollination is a good income source for beekeepers in Arizona, due to the large agricultural industry. Typical beekeeper supplies needed in Arizona include:

Beekeeping Woodenware

The most popular bee hive in the US is the 10-frame Langstroth hive, originally patented in 1852. This hive, for over 170 years, has been the industry standard.

The hive components include:

  • Hive body
  • Bottom board
  • Honey super
  • Frames
  • Inner cover
  • Hive cover

Beekeeper Protective Clothing

beekeeper supplies Montana

The most common protective gear for beekeepers include:

Beekeeping Suits

  Both canvas beekeeping suits and ventilated bee suits are available.

Beekeeping Jackets

Canvas bee jackets and ventilated bee jackets are available.

Beekeeping Gloves

  Goatskin bee gloves and cowhide bee gloves are available.

Many times, you can purchase a combo pack of a bee suit and bee gloves at a discount.

Please note: Your beekeeping suit or beekeeping jacket should come with a veil included.

Beekeeping Equipment and Tools

Here is a list of some common beekeeping tools:

  • Hive tool
  • Hive smoker
  • Queen marker
  • Bee Brush
  • Hive feeder
  • Entrance reducer

The state association is the Arizona State Beekeepers’ Association.

Where to buy bees and nucs in Arizona?

One of the best places to purchase queen bees, packaged bees and nucleus hives (nucs) is your local bee club.

Here is a list of local bee clubs in Arizona:

  • Beekeepers Association of Central Arizona
  • Northern Arizona Organic Beekeepers Association 
  • Southern Arizona Beekeepers Association

Beekeeping in Arizona

The Arizona Department of Agriculture regulates the apiary industry.

Arizona Beekeeping Laws

There are some local city and county ordinances in Arizona, but no state statutes that prevent residents from keeping bees.

Honey Varieties in Arizona

  • Mesquite honey
  • Orange Blossom honey
  • Alfalfa honey
  • Cactus honey
  • Desert Flower honey
  • Wildflower honey

Although several states produce more honey, few can match Arizona for variety and quality!

Selling Honey in Arizona

Arizona beekeepers may sell their own honey (any amount, no annual limit) under the state’s Cottage Food Laws.

Beekeepers must register to sell honey. You may also be required to get a food handler card.

beekeeping supplies in Arizona


What are the requirement for keeping bees in Phoenix?

The city of Phoenix has an ordinance specifically for bee-keeping. In order to have just one hive or colony in Phoenix, you need to have more than 1,700 square feet of land. The ordinance also states the hive cannot be kept within 5 feet of the property line.

Are there any Africanized honeybees in Arizona?

Yes, Arizona is home to a significant population of Africanized honeybees, sometimes referred to as “killer bees.” 

How many types of bees in Arizona?

There have been 1,300 native species of bees identified in Arizona. These include honeybees, ground-nesting, parasitic and twig-nesting bees.

What plants attract bees in Arizona?

There are over 30 plants that attract bees in Arizona. They include:

  • Ageratum
  • Coreopsis
  • Gloriosa Daisy
  • Rock Verbena
  • Salvia farinacea
  • And more…

30+ Plants for Arizona Bees

  • Rock Verbena (perennial)
  • Verbena bonariensis (perennial)
  • Bulbine frutescens (perennial) Coreopsis (perennial)
  • Salvia nemorosa (perennial) Salvia farinacea (perennial)
  • Ageratum (perennial) …
  • Gloriosa Daisy (perennial)
  • Red Salvia (annual/perennial)
  • Rudbeckia—Black-eyed Susan (perennial)

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