Beekeeping Basics

The Hive for Beginners – Wisdom from the Past

This article (edited) was written in 1883 in “The American Apiculturist” by J. E. Pond, JR.

Beehive“In selecting a hive, no one will pretend to think for a moment of using other than one that contains movable frames.

The day of hollow logs, bee-gums and box-traps, has gone by never to return; but in the selection of the frame, there is so great a diversity of opinion, that a beginner in bee-culture may well pause for a moment before he makes a permanent choice; and any advice or information that tends to clear away the doubts from his mind will probably be welcomed by him.

honey bee hivesI have been engaged in bee-culture many years, and during that time have experimented with most of the leading frames in use, and have adopted the standard Langstroth frame, as the one that seems to meet the many requirements called for, to secure the best results.

I do not propose to decry any other frame, and will say right here, that success in apiculture depends more upon the man who engages in it, than upon the form or style of frame he uses.

He who enters into this work intelligently, and with a well-rooted and grounded purpose, imbued with a strong determination to succeed, will hardly fail, no matter what frame he may choose; but if he makes the right choice at the start, success will be more easily achieved.

The Langstroth frame was the invention of one of the ablest apiarists the world ever saw; to him and his labors should be given all praise. The introduction of the movable, sectional frame, by the Rev. L. L. Langstroth, formed an era in bee-culture, and gave an impetus to the business.”

Today,133 years later, the Langstroth hive is still the standard in the industry 133 years later.


Interested in beekeeping? Here are some beekeeping supplies you want to get your hands on to start with!

1. Ventilated Suit – 

(NEW)  Ventilated Jacket –

2. Beekeeper YKK Suit Combo –

3. Beekeeper Journal –

4. YKK Suit –

5. Beekeeper Jacket –

6. Beekeeping Gloves:

           – Goatskin Beekeeping Gloves –

          – Cow Leather Beekeeping Gloves –

7. Queen Marking Kit  –

         – Queen Marking Pens –

         –Queen Marking Cage –

🐝 Good Luck and Happy Beekeeping!

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