Beekeeping Equipment and Supplies

Beekeeping Supplies

Beekeeping Supplies – Beekeeping is an adventurous venture. However, you need to do some research before you get started to identify yourself with necessities and knowledge about beekeeping. To help you get started, the following are supplies and equipment you will need.

  1. Hives

Hives are bee homes. The market offers different types of hives to suit different environments and preferences. With a little research, you will meet your needs and wants.

  1. Frames

Frames act as a filling system, they are placed inside the beehive, and they are rectangular shaped. Bee combs are built in the frames and it serves three major purposes. Bees will make honey there, they will lay brood, as well as prepare for winter.

When considering frames, you will also have to decide on whether to include plastic foundation as well. A foundation will reduce the bees’ workload leaving them to produce more honey.

  1. Smoker

A smoker plays the key role of keeping the bees away from you. This way, anytime you need to get close to the hive, you will not have to worry so much of being stung. The smoker releases smoke of which the bees shy away.

  1. Hive tool

A hive tool is necessary because the bees will need it to line the hive with propolis. Propolis is similar to glue as it plays the role of holding everything together and also serves as an insulator.

In addition, a hive tool contributes towards making the hive sturdier as the frames will not easily pull apart.

  1. Queen catcher

A queen catcher will hold your queen in the event you need her separate from the rest of the bees for a while. This will prevent losing her especially when you are visiting your hives or inspecting them.

  1. Bee suit

A bee suit is a protective armor for you. When shopping around for one, ensure that you invest in a high quality one for better protection.

7.Bee gloves

Bee gloves are protective gear for your hands. You are bound to use your hands when cleaning or harvesting honey and you need to protect your hands from bee stings.

When choosing a pair of gloves, ensure that it is made from a sturdy material with a firm structure. In addition, ensure that it covers your arms as well to ensure that you do not expose any part of your skin even after wearing a suit. This will also ensure that even when you are in motion, your hands are well protected.

  1. Feeders

Feeders come in handy during seasons when bees need supplements other than the natural feeding system. There are seasons when blooming is on the low or when plants are waiting to bloom and there is nothing much the bees can feed on.

Providing a supplement is not as complicated as you can simply mix water and sugar in equal parts after which you place it in your feeder. While you have the option of leaving the mixture in the open for the bees to find, it is recommended that you use a feeder.

You have the option of using an entrance feeder or a hive top feeder to ensure that the supplement is fully serving your bees rather than other creatures. This is because these feeders are placed in the hive.

  1. Queen excluder

A queen excluder is an important tool if you will not be practicing natural beekeeping. Though it is all about preference it helps to separate where the queen lays her eggs rather than allowing her lay them in the honey supers.

It also comes in handy when you are moving your bees. Though they will have a new location, they will not stray away because they can sense the presence of their queen. This equipment keeps the bee around and the rest of the bees as well.

Overall, place a queen excluder where you do not want her to go. You do not have to worry about production as the worker bees will still be able to maneuver through a queen excluder.

  1. Queen marker

Important especially for beginner beekeepers, you need to be able to identify your queen. A queen marker is used to mark the hindquarters of a queen bee so you can always identify her with ease.


Interested in beekeeping? Here are some beekeeping supplies you want to get your hands on to start with!

1. Ventilated Suit – 

(NEW)  Ventilated Jacket –

2. Beekeeper YKK Suit Combo –

3. Beekeeper Journal –

4. YKK Suit –

5. Beekeeper Jacket –

6. Beekeeping Gloves:

           – Goatskin Beekeeping Gloves –

          – Cow Leather Beekeeping Gloves –

7. Queen Marking Kit  –

         – Queen Marking Pens –

         –Queen Marking Cage –

🐝 Good Luck and Happy Beekeeping!


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